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Writer's pictureKerry Duke

A Hate List in the Devil’s Bible

The Bible says “These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren” (Prov. 6:16-19).

Satan’s list would read like this: “These six things the devil hates, yes, seven are an abomination to him: a humble look, an honest tongue,  hands that defend the innocent, a heart that plans to do good, feet that are quick to run from evil, a faithful witness who speaks the truth, and one who makes peace between brethren.”

The devil loves pride. He hates humility and he hates a humble person. He teaches mankind to see humility as a sign of oppression. Religion oppresses people and robs them of self worth and creativity. Pride liberates them and empowers them.

Satan loves lying. Jesus said he is the father of it (John 8:44). He hates the truth and he despises those who tell the truth. This is why evil men hate an honest man. King Ahab hated the prophet Micaiah because he told him the truth (I Kings 22).

The devil loves murder. Can we fathom this? He doesn’t just encourage it. He loves it. He was “a murderer from the beginning” (John 8:44). He hates it when we defend the lives of babies in their mother’s wombs. He hates the death penalty for murderers and promotes pity for them.

He loves for people to use their brains to harm others. That includes the godless system of Marxism, the brutal religion of Islam and internet companies that manipulate millions of people out of greed and lust. The devil abhors plans of Christian people to spread the gospel and do good. That is why he works hard to get into someone in the church who will sabotage these efforts.

Satan loves people who not only do evil but are quick to do it. He doesn’t want to fail or waste time. He likes for people to do his bidding quickly and efficiently. On the other hand, he hated Job because Job turned away from evil (Job 1).

The devil loves people who lie about others. This fits his name. The word “devil” is from diabolos which means a slanderer. He loves slander, especially lies about Christians. He hates anyone who tells the truth regardless of who it is about—friend or foe.

Satan loves strife. That is what he wants in families, in churches, and in nations. Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers” (Matt. 5:9). The devil hates them.

When you think about these things, it is easy to see why the devil has such a hold on this world. He has plenty of people who think just like him. Beware of this enemy like you would fear a roaring lion (I Pet. 5:8).


West End church of Christ • Sept. 29, 2024


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